Coach Hill Recreation Centre

Coach Hill Rec Centre is an inclusive outdoor community hub that will act as a cornerstone for community engagement by offering a diverse range of activities and amenities to meet the evolving needs and interests of the residents. With a focus on purpose-built connections and physical activities, the project aims to cater to the diverse needs of the multi-generational community.

Existing facilities like the baseball diamond and soccer field will be complemented by new additions such as a concrete pad for basketball in the summer and skating in the winter, a zip line, and engaging natural park features. Further future amenities include a double-car wide garage for water and electricity equipment, washrooms and a heated change shed, workout equipment, and community spaces like a fire pit, picnic area, and rentable community gardens. This redevelopment aligns seamlessly with Coach Hill Rec Centre’s vision of creating an outdoor space that fosters socialization, physical activity, and a strong connection to nature that promotes overall well-being and community connections.

Project Location


6840 Coach Hill Rd SW, Calgary AB

Coach Hill CA



2021 - Present


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