501 Mount Pleasant 10+10

Located in the community of Mount Pleasant, this 10+10 development presents a distinctive residential offering that includes a stacked 10 unit configuration which includes 2-storey lower and upper units. The buildings footprint comes together to form a courtyard configuration that enhances both community interaction and privacy. 501 Mount Pleasant 10+10 maximizes its use of space by including class 1 bicycle stalls, mobility storage, and a parking stall for each unit.

The design of 501 Mount Pleasant 10+10 uses a modern material palette, harmonizing light grey brick, vinyl panelling and black corrugated metal for increased aesthetics and durability. Balconies are wrapped in wood accents that engage with the street and courtyard space, creating a seamless blend between indoor and outdoor living. The inclusion of a variety of unit types caters to diverse housing needs, fostering a community that accommodates a range of individuals and families.

501 Mount Pleasant 10+10 is located on a corner lot with excellent proximity to 4 Street NW and Confederation Park. Positioned in the community of Mount Pleasant, it is close in vicinity to two other FAAS townhouse projects that share a similar architectural language, creating consistency in the neighborhood’s visual aesthetic and housing options.

Project Location


Eagle Crest Construction



2023 - Present

Missing Middle

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