1224 Capitol Hill 5+5

FAAS has partnered with Eagle Crest Construction to bring a new 5+5 development to the community of Capitol Hill. 1224 Capitol Hill 5+5 is a distinctive three-storey townhome project, situated along 20 Ave with 3 units and 3 suites facing the avenue and 2 units and 2 suites located in the rear building, separated by a shared courtyard space. The thoughtful design adheres to bylaw limitations while maximizing interior space, ensuring a harmonious blend with the existing neighborhood's architectural presence. 

 1224 Capitol Hill 5+5 prioritizes community integration and fosters neighbourly interactions to enhance community engagement among residents. The courtyard, serving as a shared amenity space, not only caters to the practical needs of residents but also fosters a strong sense of community. This strategic approach contributes significantly to Capitol Hill by increasing density and expanding missing middle housing options. 

Project Location


Eagle Crest Construction



2023 - Present

Missing Middle

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